DIY RUG RAG (from old t-shirts and extra fabric)

This is a rug rag I've learnt online from other webs and blogs and adjusted it to my own taste. I wouldn't say it's the best but it's easy to make and cheap.
Here is how I made it.
diy rug rag pvc pipe loom (homemade by my 10year old son)
fisrt 3lines of weaving
day 2 of weaving
day 3 of weaving.
day 4  of weaving nearly there.
day 5 the last line is done.
day 6 cutting and tying the finishing ends
cut of the extra long fabric.
getting it all straight the easy way
finally done alhamdulillah, just cut off any extra thread.

there you have your own rug rag made from stuff you already have, and didnt cost much. i only had to buy the pvc pipes and elbows. everything else i already had with me. 
if you dont have any crochet threads or yarns you can simply just use old t-shirt  for the weaving, its much thiker too that way.

ok that what i did this week. if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comment box below.

thanks for now assalamualaikum.

my daughters crochet n knittng projects.

salams to all, just had sometime to update some of my daughter's projects so far.

Knitted dish cloth 
Crocheted baby booties
Cell phone case
crocheted horse gang

Adult crocheted poncho

salam to all my blog veiwers, sorry for not posting anything for so long. but i was a bit busy with other stuff. now i am starting to post again and i mite post some other stuff thats not crocheted booties or not even crocheted at all. may some info or other stuff just to spice up things around here and there..... ok for the start up for today after such a long time, i just want to share my first crocheted poncho that i crocheted for my sister last year... and this is how it looks
please tell me what do you think... that all for today, i will post again next week insya allah see you then. wassalam


if anyone want to order this one is for RM25.00 only ok...

These are the booties i gave to Shasha kapoor for her new born girl.... hope you are happy with it Shasha....:-)


These are my latest product... I just love Its so cute, isn't it?

Crocheted coaster

These are the things i made for a friend. The big one is for a small side table and the small one is fro a small vase or cup. Well i guess you can use it for anything you want. I made one small one for my daughter, shes going to be 7 next year. She use it as a table cloth in her small little cute kitchen. What do you think you can use it for?