This is a rug rag I've learnt online from other webs and blogs and adjusted it to my own taste. I wouldn't say it's the best but it's easy to make and cheap.
Here is how I made it.
diy rug rag pvc pipe loom (homemade by my 10year old son) |
fisrt 3lines of weaving |
day 2 of weaving |
day 3 of weaving. |
day 4 of weaving nearly there. |
day 5 the last line is done. |
day 6 cutting and tying the finishing ends |
cut of the extra long fabric. |
getting it all straight the easy way |
finally done alhamdulillah, just cut off any extra thread.
there you have your own rug rag made from stuff you already have, and didnt cost much. i only had to buy the pvc pipes and elbows. everything else i already had with me.
if you dont have any crochet threads or yarns you can simply just use old t-shirt for the weaving, its much thiker too that way.
ok that what i did this week. if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comment box below.
thanks for now assalamualaikum.